Hello friend,
Thank you for signing up to attend a #StopAbortionRx national protest tomorrow, February 4th! Here you will find all the info you need to successfully protest tomorrow at your local CVS, Walgreens, or Rite Aid.
1. Please click on this link to find the address and time of the protest near you.
2. Check out this page for some great resources on how to protest outside your pharmacy. This page should answer all the questions you might have about logistics tomorrow.
3. This page has downloadable graphics and flyers for your use. A flyer about the campaign and a flyer about the abortion pill can be found here for easy printing.
4. Be sure to take photos at your protest tomorrow! Share them on social media with the hashtag #StopAbortionRx
Questions? Contact your protest host -- their email can be found on the first link in this email under the protest location! Thank you for your dedication to the unborn.
For life,
#StopAbortionRx Campaign